Abheetha Peiris, PhD, PE
Program Manager/Research Professor
(859) 257-7227
Dr. Abheetha Peiris joined the Kentucky Transportation Center as a Research Engineer in 2011 and now serves as the Program Manager of the Structures Program. His research interests include structural analysis, evaluation and design of bridges and bridge retrofits, fiber reinforced polymer composites for structural applications, load rating and field testing of bridges, and structural health monitoring and remote sensing of highway structures. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board committee on Structural Fiber Reinforced Polymers (AFF080). Dr. Peiris received his PhD in Civil Engineering (Structures) from the University of Kentucky, a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Structures) from Osaka University, Japan and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Kentucky.