Developing successful highway projects requires sophisticated, multi-year efforts to ensure transportation agency employees, staff from the consultant industry, and other stakeholders orchestrate their work in a coordinated manner. From the initial project concept through project letting, transportation agencies address many challenges such as creating an appropriate and efficient design, obtaining the necessary environmental clearances, acquiring right-of-way, and working with utility companies to relocate their existing facilities. KTC’s Project Development group specializes in helping state transportation agencies improve project development workflows and preconstruction project management. The group regularly participates in presenting a comprehensive training course that teaches KYTC and consultant project managers how to manage the activities required to deliver a project on time and within budget.

featured project

Project Manager’s Boot Camp

KTC helped create Project Manager’s Boot Camp training to give KYTC’s Project Managers (PMs) the strategies needed to deliver projects on schedule and within budget. This 8-day training challenges PMs to take ownership of the whole project and describes the expectations for KYTC’s PMs, gives an overview of the project development process, and teaches project management competencies. Since the first course, 170 professionals have attended PM Boot Camp. The training has been so successful that KTC now conducts a 2-day version – Boot Camp Xpress – to consultants throughout the state, a requirement for Consultant PMs working with the Cabinet. Approximately 340 consultants have attended Xpress. Both courses are offered annually and the curriculum is developed with assistance from Special Projects and Initiatives and Policy, Finance, and Economics.

Project Management mentoring

Find out more about working with a KTC Mentor. Click on the link below for assistance with projects throughout design and project development.


Recently Completed Projects

Critical Path

Project Templates

Click on the button below to visit KTC’s page on the Critical Path Method for Project Development. Here you’ll be able to access templates for three project types: Rural Federal Bridge Replacement CE1, Urban Federal Bridge Replacement with Railroads, and EA-FONSI Rural Road Widening (with Railroad Involvement).

Project Development Faculty & Staff

Jeff Jasper

Program Manager/Research Engineer


Jill Asher

Research Engineer

Keith Caudill

Research Engineer

Travis Thompson

Research Engineer