Glen M Kelly
Glen M. Kelly, a native of Danville, has more than 50 years of experience as a transportation engineer. In the fall of 1965, he enrolled in the University of Kentucky, College of Engineering graduating under the Highway Scholarship Program.
He then accepted a position in the Roadway Design Unit in the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s Lexington District Office. In 1970, following completion of active duty “Drill Sergeant” training in the 100th Division of the Army Reserve, he returned to the Transportation Cabinet in Frankfort. In 1983, he was promoted to the State Highway Engineer’s Office, assuming statewide responsibility for all preconstruction (road design, bridge design, and right of way acquisition/utility relocation) activities. In this position, Glen was the Cabinet’s liaison for the accelerated roadway improvements implemented for the Toyota facility at Georgetown and also led the Cabinet’s Preconstruction area to record construction lettings in 1990 and 1991. Glen retired in June 1992 as Acting State Highway Engineer and Assistant State Highway Engineer for Preconstruction.
In July 1992, Glen joined Presnell Associates, now Qk4, in Louisville, as Senior Vice President for Transportation. Major transportation projects directed by Glen at Qk4 include the Industrial Parkway, which received an AASHTO “National Environmental Best Practices Finalist” award; the US 119 Pine Mountain Design Build reconstruction, which received recognition as Kentucky’s “Safety Project of the Year”, and the Kennedy Interchange Reconstruction Section of the recently completed Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges mega-project.
Glen’s professional affiliations include such organizations as KATE, NSPE, KSPE, ACEC of Kentucky, Tau Beta Pi, and Chi Epsilon. He served as KATE’s President in 1988 and ACEC of Kentucky’s President in 2002. In 1995 he also served as the Chairman of West Virginia’s Consultant Transportation Committee, now ACEC of West Virginia. Glen was a member of AASHTO’s Highway Design Subcommittee for 15 years, receiving AASHTO’s Region 2 Design Award in 1992. He was also a member of AASHTO’s Subcommittee for Roadside Safety.
Glen married his high school sweetheart, Donna, in 1969. Glen and Donna have two children: Taylor, a Civil Engineering graduate from the University of Kentucky, and Jon, a Business graduate from Centre College. Their immediate family also includes daughters-in-law Natalie and Emily and grandchildren Katherine, Patrick, and Carrie. When not spending time with the grandchildren, they also enjoy golf, gardening, and attending UK football and basketball games together.