James C. Codell III
James C. Codell, III served as Secretary of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and Commissioner of the Department of Highways from 1996 through 2003. During his tenure, the Cabinet was recognized as one of the premier transportation organizations in the nation. Kentucky’s highways were ranked in the nation’s top 10 in terms of cost effectiveness and prudent stewardship of the taxpayer’s dollars. In addition, several landmark projects were constructed such as Paris Pike, Harsha Bridge in Marion county, Natural Bridge in Daviess and the Cumberland Gap Tunnel. All represented a new and environmentally friendly approach to the road-building process. Kentucky also became a leader in deploying new technology as demonstrated by ARTIMIS in Northern Kentucky, TRIMARC in Louisville, and establishing the nation’s first 511 system.
Prior to joining KYTC, Mr. Codell served as Executive Vice President of Codell Construction Company. The company built numerous highways and railroads in Kentucky as well as a section of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. After leaving state government, Mr. Codell joined URS Corporation in 2004 as the Regional Director of Transportation.