procard purchasing
- Are there sufficient funds in the grant to make the purchase? (direct current expenses, consultants, capital equipment, etc.)
- If needed, check with business office to ensure vendor is approved
- Complete a Jotform, including the justification field which must be filled out with an explanation of the research purpose/benefit to the grant
- Select the purchase type
- Select the PI for approval
- Software purchases now require preapproval – click here
- Please verify who the cardholder is. Bastani is the cardholder for all Travel/registration-related purchases.
- A routed Jotform is required before the purchase is made
types of purchases
- Procard <$5,000
- Work with KTC Business Office for the following:
- Purchase Order >$5,000
- Sole Source Procurement <$40,000, RFP >$40,000
- Personal Services Contract <$10,000 one page PSC contract form, >$10,000 standard UK PSC document