Kentucky’s Technology Transfer Program (T2) promotes efficiency in Kentucky’s transportation system by providing workshops and training events, newsletters, how-to manuals, new and existing technology updates, legislative and regulatory news, and on-site technical assistance. Kentucky’s T2 Program is designated a Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) by the Federal Highway Administration.
Each year, T2 presents an average of 320 workshops attended by more than 8,000 participants. Training not only offers qualification for public employees, it also significantly enhances their professionalism in dealing with and serving the public. Many of the training programs are geared towards assisting local and state governments and industry find low-cost solutions for improving safety on their roadways.
T2’s professionals lend their expertise to organize conferences, build training programs, and help transportation professionals learn how to teach a course. They travel to the course location to help facilitate the course activities and often present information at national conferences and to government agencies. T2 has been heavily involved in developing many valuable KYTC trainings, such as Drone Pilot Training, Construction Project Management Academy and Program Manager’s Bootcamp. T2’s Safety Circuit Rider provides on-site engineering assistance to local governments and is working with Area Development Districts to support Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
The Safety Circuit Rider Program
The Safety Circuit Rider for the Technology Transfer Program uses crash data to locate high incident sites along roadways and assist communities in finding low cost roadway safety improvements. The Safety Circuit Rider works with local governments to remove fixed objects such as trees, brush, stumps, etc. and to install signage per MUTCD guidelines. This free technical advice is made possible through funding from the Federal Highway Administration – Kentucky (FHWA-KY) in coordination with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC).
The Roads Scholar and Masters Program
Transportation agencies are entrusted to properly maintain and construct roads and streets in their community. The Roads Scholar and Road Master Training Programs were developed to train road maintenance personnel in the basics of construction and maintenance as well as communication and management practices. Employees receive this specialized training in an efficient and cost effective manner. Graduates of this program are designated a Roads Scholar. The Road Master Training Program is designed to build upon the knowledge gained from the Roads Scholar Training Program with classes that relate to those in a supervisory role. This program also provides a higher level of technical training. Click Here to find out more about the Roads Scholar and Road Master Programs.
Technology Transfer Training
T2 offers a broad range of training from professional development to qualification programs. Programs include:
- KY Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control (KEPSC)
- Traffic Incident Management
- Chainsaw Safety
- Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control
- Work Zone Employment Qualification
- Highway Structural Inspection
- Sign Retroreflectivity
- Pesticide Training & Testing
- Grade & Drain
- Americans with Disabilities Act: Sidewalk Facilities
- Roadside Safety Improvement for Rural Roads
- 15 Passenger Van Training
- Asphalt Training & Testing
Technology Transfer Conferences
Critical to the mission of the Technology Transfer Program is to improve skills and increase knowledge of Kentucky’s transportation workforce. T2 presents several conferences every year. More information about upcoming conferences is provided on the Technology Transfer web page.

T2 offers a variety of publications and materials for purchase and/or online viewing.
Martha Horseman
Becca Boom
Brittany Cloyd
Chantal Barlow
Virginia Anderson
Conference Coordinator
Joe Martin
Information Specialist Senior