Robert A. “Wally” Walsburger
Wally Walsburger is a lifelong resident of Kentucky and has more than 50 years of experience as a transportation engineer. After graduating from the University of Kentucky with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, Mr. Walsburger completed graduate work in the Public Administration Program at Western Kentucky University. In 1957, he began working in the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet as a design engineer. He later served as an assistant district engineer, district engineer and assistant state highway engineer during his career in the Transportation Cabinet.
Mr. Walsburger had a pivotal role in the design, construction and reconstruction of most interstates and parkways in the Commonwealth. he worked on the design of both I-64 and I-71 in Jefferson County and was responsible for planning and design supervision for the extension of I-65 from Hart-Barren County line to the Tennessee state line. He also oversaw the reconstruction of sections of I-84, I-264, I-75, I-471, I-275, the Green River Parkway and the Cumberland Parkway.
After retiring from the Transporattion Cabinet in 1990, Mr. Walsburger went on to work in the private sector as a project engineer for H.E. Rudy Engineers (now HDR, Inc.) until 2007. He sill works as a consultant on a project-to-project basis.
In addition to his long-lived career, Mr. Walsburger has been an active member and leader in several trade organizations, including the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers (KSPE), Kentucky Association of Transportation Engineers (KATE), the Kentucky Personnel Board, and the Kentuckians for Better Transportation (KBT). he served as president of KSPE and KATE.
His distinguished career is punctuated by a reputation for organizational loyalty, compassion for his fellow engineers and a continuing desire to work with and mentor oung engineers in the transportation field.