The Center is a national leader in multidisciplinary transportation research. Its talented staff publish their findings in leading research journals, help agencies around the country implement their recommendations, develop new training courses, present their work at prestigious conferences, and even host conferences. The Center’s unparalleled ability to develop and perform applied research and to communicate findings has meant that a wide range of stakeholders — including the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Federal Highway Administration, and a number of government agencies and transportation organizations — have benefitted from KTC’s work. Keep tuned to this page for the latest research findings and reports, details of projects that are in progress, accolades, and more.

⟟ National Highway Institute
Congratulations to KTC’s Jeff Jasper for winning the National Highway Institute’s Instructor of Excellence 2024! Jeff manages the Project Development Program and develops and leads many valuable trainings for transportation professionals.

⟟ Kentucky Transportation Center Gatton Student Center
All of KTC joined together for a day of training, a Q and A with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet leadership and a visit from College of Engineering Dean Buchheit.

⟟ Frankfort, KY

⟟ Hilton Downtown Lexington | RSS 2024
The 2024 Road Safety and Simulation Conference was a huge success! For more information visit: https://rss2024.uky.edu/

⟟ Kenton County Weigh Station
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and the Kentucky State Police (KSP) held a weigh station demonstration for the IRP Fall Workshop. The event at the Kenton county weigh station included nearly 200 people from all over the US and Canada who came to learn about commercial vehicle inspection technologies and activities.

⟟ ACEC-KY/FHWA/KYTC Partnering

⟟ KTC | Technology Transfer
The KTC Technology Transfer program was featured at this month’s Research Spotlight! Martha Horseman, Adam Kirk, and Brittany Cloyd spoke about technical assistance, local government outreach, marketing and publications, and training and course development.

⟟ Kentucky Safety Summit Conference
It was a great week at the Kentucky Safety Summit Conference! Dr. Caitlin Northcutt-Pope spoke on the Voluntary Roadside Survey, Gabe Dadi spoke about Signals from Safety Research, and Adam Kirk presented information about SS4A (Safe Streets and Roadways For All). Kentucky Office of Highway Safety

⟟ Davis Park
Davis Park was officially opened! Among those attending the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Transportation Secretary Jim Gray, Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton, 11th District Council Member Jennifer Reynolds, 5th District Council Member Liz Sheehan, the NPE project team, the LCLT board, representatives from Lexington City Parks and Rec, and residents of the neighborhood.

Two representatives from ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve) presented KTC with the Pro-Patria award, which recognizes employers that go above and beyond to support military employees before, during, and after their deployment. Brian Howell nominated KTC while deployed in Djibouti and KTC was honored to receive the public sector employer award for Kentucky. To learn more about ESGR visit: https://www.esgr.mil/

⟟ Washington, D.C. | TRB
The Kentucky Transportation Center attended the 103rd Annual Transportation Research Board Conference in Washington, D.C. A strong start to 2024!

⟟ KTC | Research Spotlight
This month’s Research Spotlight featured Special Projects and Initiatives. David Moses demonstrated the Highway Knowledge Portal and showed a promotional video about the web page. Catherine Keithley and Rachel Catchings provided updates on Digital Project Delivery and KYTC’s drone program. Pam Clay-Young spoke about her review of KRS and KAR to determine contract issues with digital documents.

⟟ Central Bank Center
KTC attended the ACEC-KY/FHWA/KYTC Partnering Conference. They presented project work in sessions, through videos and in exhibit booths that showcased Digital Project Delivery, Highway Knowledge Portal, Project Management Mentoring, and HSIP.

⟟ 1st Place Best Data Visualization ATSIP-Traffic Records Forum
KTC Traffic and Safety Program takes home first place in the Best Data Visualization category at the 2022 ATSIP-Traffic Records Forum. Pictured is Program Manager Eric Green and Research Scientist Paul Ross who worked on this project!


Project Development
Jeff Jasper received the NHI Instructor of Excellence 2023.
On May 23, Jill Asher is presenting a statewide webinar for KYTC on Intersection Control Evaluation.
Journal publications:
Nadir, W., Kadhim, M.M.A., Jawdhari, A., Peiris, A., and Majdi, A., “Experimental investigation on UHPC-NSC composite beams.” Structures. 2024, Vol. 60, 105885. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2024.105885
Undergraduate Research Students Rachel Barber won the Maurice A. Clay Award for outstanding graduating senior 2024
ESGR (Employer Support of Guard and Reserve) presented KTC with the Pro-Patria award, which recognizes employers that go above and beyond to support military employees before, during, and after their deployment. Brian Howell nominated KTC while deployed in Djibouti and KTC was honored to receive the public sector employer award for Kentucky.
Commercial Vehicle Technology and Policy
KTC was awarded a contract with the International Fuel Tax Association to conduct a facilitated Strategic Planning process and report. Candice Wallace and Andrew Martin were the lead authors of the winning proposal. The project was officially kicked off in April 2024. The contract value is $105,029.
KTC was awarded a contract in partnership with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and The Eastern Transportation Coalition to conduct a Mileage Based User Fee (MBUF) Study based on Kentucky’s weight-distance tax. The contract value is $149,994.
Recent Publications:
Mallory Brown, Andrew Martin, Xiaobing Li, David Leddy, and Jennifer Walton. “Illegal Weigh Station Bypassing.” In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Forthcoming, accepted for publication).
“Online Instructional Tools for Motor Carriers,” Brian Howell, Jennifer Walton, Paul Ross, and Andrew Martin. KTC-24-17.
“Tire Anomaly Classification System (TACS). Brian Howell, Jennifer Walton, Andrew Martin, Xiaobing Li, and David Leddy.” KTC-24-XX. (Unpublished)
“Advancing Universal ID Through Demonstration of Enabling Technologies.” Joe Crabtree, Andrew Martin, Jeeyen Koo, and Brian Beaven. KTC-24-22.
Brian Howell was recently promoted to the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves.
KTC’s CVTP Program and KYTC’s Division of Motor Carriers spearheaded the inaugural state programs presentation for Kentucky as part of FMCSA’s new Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) Research Spotlight series in March 2024.
KTC’s CVTP Program created and delivered a presentation for FHWA’s National Coalition on Truck Parking.
KTC’s CVTP Program delivered two presentations at the MCSAP/ITD/PRISM in Chicago on April 30-May 2, 2024. Jennifer Walton presented on Kentucky’s TPIMS Pilot Study/Truck Parking Efforts and Andrew Martin presented on ITD Performance Measures.
Policy, Finance, and Economics
- “Bridge Project Prioritization: Development and Implementation of an Index” (with Chris Van Dyke, Sudhir Palle, Ryan Griffith, and Doug Kreis). Poster (P24-20046) presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Conference 2024: Washington, D.C.
- “Identification and Preservation of Core Competencies and Risk Management” (with Jeff Jasper). Poster (P24-20519) presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Conference 2024: Washington, D.C.
- Bryan Gibson co-presided over 2 poster sessions at TRB.
- Candice Wallace attended the ToP Network Annual Gathering in February (for facilitators).
Planning and Traffic & Safety
- Antwi Boasiako, Eugene, Zhang, Xu, and Chen, Mei won the 2024 Best Paper Award from the TRB Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (AED20).
- Antwi Boasiako, Eugene, Zhang, Xu and Chen, Mei. 2024. “Estimating Urban Arterial Traffic Speed Distributions Using XGBoostLSS”, Transportation Research Record, In Press
- Karimi, Sajjad, Aryan Hosseinzadeh, Robert Kluger, Teng Wang, Reginald Souleyrette, and Ed Harding. “A systematic review and meta-analysis of data linkage between motor vehicle crash and hospital-based datasets.” Accident Analysis & Prevention 197 (2024): 107461.
- Zhang, Xu, Antwi Boasiako, Eugene, Gorji-Sefidmazgi, Ali, and Chen, Mei. “A Comprehensive Assessment of Third-Party Truck Volume Data in Kentucky”. Poster presented at the 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C.
- Antwi Boasiako, Eugene, Zhang, Xu, and Chen, Mei. “Estimating Urban Arterial Traffic Speed Distributions Using XGBoostLSS”. Podium presented at the 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C.
- Rahman, Fahmida, Zhang, Xu, Antwi Boasiako, Eugene, and Chen, Mei. “Utilizing Random Forest Regression in Crash Prediction of Rural Two-Lane Highways”. Poster presented at the 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C.
- Wang, Teng. “Strategic Highway Investment Formula for Tomorrow (SHIFT)”. Lectern presentation presented at the 26th Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) TRB Winter Symposium 2024: Washington, D.C.
- Korostina, Daria, Nikiforos Stamatiadis, Teng Wang, and Reginald Souleyrette. “Incorporating Bike/Ped Criteria in Project Ranking and Selection”. Poster (TRBAM-24-00296) presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Conference 2024: Washington, D.C.
Occupational Safety and Health
On Monday April 1st, Josh Withrow, a Transportation Engineer Specialist at KYTC and Digital Project Delivery Lead, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Impact of Augmented Documentation Workflows on Transportation Agency Asphalt Paving Operations: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study.” Dr. Withrow was advised by Drs. Gabe Dadi, Hala Nassereddine, and Tim Taylor and published two papers in leading journals with an additional one under review from his dissertation.
Drs. Roy Sturgill, Tim Taylor, and Gabe Dadi received a 3rd place Best Poster Award at TRB for their poster entitled “A Review of One Call Operator Membership and Exemptions for State Departments of Transportation”.
Technology Transfer
- At TRB Annual Meeting, Dr. Adam Kirk won the best paper award from the TRB Performance Effects Geometric Design Committee. Dr. Kirk also presented a paper on Contextual Roadway Planning and Design.
- In February, Dr. Adam Kirk presented on a national webinar with FHWA on Grant Funding for Local Agencies.
- In February, T2 in working with KYTC Division of Construction and Maintenance, conducted the Project Delivery and Preservation Conference. Attendance continues to grow and the conference had over 400 participants. There were 33 breakout sessions.
- In March, Martha Horseman presented the Work Zone Flagger course with Ron Albritten at the Kentucky League of Cities Risk and Safety Conference
- T2 partnered with Construction Engineering and Project Management, in March, to conduct a Formal Partnering session with KYTC, contractors, and local governments.
- In April, Dr. Adam Kirk and Martha Horseman presented to the Southwest Region of NLTAPA on Kentucky’s Road Safety Champion Program
- Attended and presented at the National Association of County Engineers (NACE) Meeting in April – Dr. Adam Kirk presented on how Kentucky’s work with SS4A; Martha Horseman presented on the partnership of NACE and NLTAPA
- In May, T2, working with Construction Engineering and Project Management and Project Management, conducted the pilot course for Roadside Barrier Installation and Inspection course. This course will be held around the state at District Offices.
- Next week, T2 will host with the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety and the Secretary’s Office of Safety the Kentucky Safety Summit. There are over 350 participants and 40 breakout sessions held over three days.
- The Division of Construction as approved T2 to move forward with Construction Project Managers Academy for Fall 2024.
- T2 is working with Traffic and Safety to present the Road Safety and Simulation Conference in October.(this is repeated in initiatives)
Special Projects and Initiatives / T2
- In March, T2, working with Special Projects and Initiatives conducted the UAS Pilot, pilot course in Somerset. (say that twice fast). This course will be held at numerous sites and location across the state.
Construction Engineering and Project Management
Notable Events & Publications
- In collaboration with T2, facilitated a Formal Partnering Workshop for a KYTC construction project in District Two.
- In collaboration with T2, scheduled delivery of 3rd CPMA in Fall of 2024. (overlaps with T2 – this could be an initiative)
- Microsurfacing Estimation Program is up and running. Asphalt Estimation Program should be finalized next month.
- Assisted in drafting IDIQ (indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity) guidelines for KYTC and obtain FHWA approval. First IDIQ project is scheduled to be Let in June.
- In collaboration with Project Development and T2, delivered Pilot Course for Roadside Barrier Installation and Inspection.
Awards and Recognitions
- Steve Waddle inducted into Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame.
Joe, Doug, and Clark had the opportunity to sit down and discuss transportation with Calvin Grayson, former Secretary of Transportation and former director of KTC. The marketing team of Paul, Michael, and Robin captured the day with film and photos, creating a timeless collection of wisdom and memories from a legend who has seen everything happen in transportation. Mr. Grayson kept the room captivated as he recalled how he was talked into his first job at the Highway Department, was introduced to the first computer in 1956, witnessed the construction of Mountain Parkway, and described his involvement after the Kentucky Transportation Research Program merged with KTC to form the Center as it is known today.
Mr. Grayson’s passion for transportation was apparent and reflected in his praise for KTC and in his nuggets of wisdom. He believes that planning should always be that essential first step and that KTC can never do enough marketing. We are living up to his vision of functioning as a multidisciplinary team and being the place to develop solutions to Kentucky’s critical transportation issues. He says, “I saw the Center as a catalyst for public and private stakeholders to come to consensus about transportation problems.” Mr. Grayson also believes that transportation, mobility, and accessibility are intertwined. Click Here for the full story