A Chronicle of the Kentucky Transportation Research Program UKTRP-87-21
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Bascule Bridge Components UKTRP-87-7
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of In-Service Bridges UKTRP-87-22
Allocation of Resurfacing Monies to Highway Districts in Kentucky UKTRP-87-13
Analysis of Accident Data in Kentucky (1982-1986) UKTRP-87-23
Automated Data Acquisition for Low-Volume Road Inventory and Management UKTRP-87-2
Breaking and Seating of Rigid Pavements UKTRP-87-26
Bridge Decks and Overlays UKTRP-87-1
Civil Engineering Applications of Acoustic Emission UKTRP-87-4
Design and Performance of Highway Shoulders UKTRP-87-8
Evaluation and Application of Roadway Marking Materials UKTRP-87-10
Evaluation of 1985 AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design Equations and Nomographs UKTRP-87-3
Evaluation of a Polymer Asphalt Additive—KRATON UKTRP-87-35
Evaluation of Asphalt Additive, Chemkrete UKTRP-87-30
Evaluation of Construction-Zone Pavement Marking Materials UKTRP-87-11
Evaluation of Drainage on Nicholasville Bypass UKTRP-87-9
Evaluation of Epoxy Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material UKTRP-87-20
Evaluation of Unmanned Radar Installations UKTRP-87-34
Evaluation of Wick Drain Stabilization of Approach Fill Foundation (Bullitt County) UKTRP-87-24
Implementation of a Pavement Management Program in Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky UKTRP-87-18
Laboratory Analysis of Failed Asphaltic Concrete Surface, US 23, Lawrence County UKTRP-87-31
Modifications to Chevron N-Layer Computer Program UKTRP-87-28
Native Aggregates for Skid Resistance UKTRP-87-33
Pavement Designs Based on Work UKTRP-87-29
Performance Evaluation of Breakaway-Cable-Terminal End Treatments UKTRP-87-14
Performance Survey of Silicone-Sealed Concrete Pavement Joints UKTRP-87-19
Reliability Assessment of High-Risk Steel Bridges by Nondestructive Test Methods UKTRP-87-27
Road Base Construction Utilizing Coal Waste Materials UKTRP-87-15
Summary of Experimental Bridge Features UKTRP-87-5
Traffic Control and Accidents at Rural, High-Speed Intersections UKTRP-87-6
Traffic Forecasting for Pavement Design UKTRP-87-16